CLA 2011 Presentation

Today we had a blast hanging out at Christian Leadership Alliance Conference in Dallas. Carol Patterson of CityTeam Ministries teamed up with us to present “Social Media Strategies: Building High Value Donor Relationships.” Great group in our session with great thinking and terrific questions.

Here’s the slide deck from the presentation.

If you were at our presentation, you know what to do to be eligible to win one of 3 free books. (Insert the usual disclaimers…One book per winner. Need not be present to win. etc.) We’ll let you know what you’ve won.

Seth Godin’s “Linchpin
Richard Stearns’ “The Hole in Our Gospel
Steven Pressfield’s “Do the Work

Love to know what you think. If you have questions, ask. If you that have thoughts, let’s talk.

Picture of Hoots and Thomas

Hoots and Thomas

8 thoughts on “CLA 2011 Presentation”

  1. thank you for this seminar. I was able to gain some great insight on the ways that we as a ministry and me as an employer can get to that next leavel in social media. I look forward to learning more from you in the future.

  2. Thank you for the seminar yesterday. The biggest response I get at the moment from managers is “why invest in social media when it provides so little”? But being able to do a little investigation into people’s lives to see what concerns them is important. I have already learned that a few of our supports have their own blogs and reach quite a large audience. So as we cultivate our relationship with them, hopefully our organization will be brought to the attention of many more people.

  3. @Tricia — Thank you! The blogger strategy is powerful. It’s worth pursuing. Hoots is pushing me to write more on how to do the strategy. We’ll come up with something to help flesh it out. For now, show up on their blog and talk to ’em. They’ll love it!
    Thanks for joining in.

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