
what if churches thought like nonprofits?

We’ve been wondering what would happen if a church thought like a nonprofit. Our team has had several conversations about how much churches could learn from the great, strategic nonprofits in terms of communicating with their…(dare I say it?) Yep: “Donors.” LifeWay Research recently released a study reporting that “79% of the churches surveyed are

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what lady gaga can teach you about fundraising

“Theatrical” was the first word that came to mind when I was thinking how to describe Lady Gaga’s “look.” “Crazy,” “weird,” “unsettling,” and “strange” also popped into my head (among others). As I wrote in the previous post on “What Lady Gaga Can Teach You,” I’m not a Lady Gaga fan (be sure to see

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the truth about zero fundraising costs

We spent some time last week with one of our favorite people. She’s brilliant, wise and a terrific nonprofit marketing strategist. The discussion turned to fundraising for Haiti. We’re all in the business, so the discussion went deep and to the details very quickly. One of the topics that we batted around was the phenomenon

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