2016 word of the year

You’ve enjoyed about 7% of 2016 so far. How’s 2016 going for you? Are you a New Year’s Resolution person? Are you a New Year’s Resolution KEEPING person? I’d love to know what you resolved to do and if you’re still on track (it’s shocking how fast our intentions evaporate in contact with day-to-day reality). I don’t do resolutions, but Hoots and I do take the time to choose a Word of the Year. We’ve done that for several years and the process of choosing it is powerful and meaningful. Also, having a word to reflect on, focus on and pray about is game-changer.

If you do anything like that, please let me know. I love to learn what you’re up to and how you’re going about staying the course in the choppy waters that are already 2016.

In 2015, Oneicity’s Word of the Year was “Dream.” We dreamed big, and the year was even grander and more challenging than we’d ever imagined. “Dream” as 2015’s Word of the Year came after several meetings between Hoots and me. We tried out several words before we landed on Dream. We tussled with it. We ruminated. Discussed it. But once we got there we knew we had it. So we dreamed and dreamed and dreamed in 2015. And God blessed.

2016 will be different.

In 2016, our Word came to us quickly and easily. We batted a couple of ideas around and then Hoots grabbed the word out of the air like an outfielder snagging a line drive. Wham. It thumped in her mitt. Crystal clear.

Our Word is Root.

Root has so many fun, nuanced meanings. Some we’re ignoring (because it’s our word, we can do that), but others are on the nose:

“The fundamental or essential part . . .”
“The source or origin of a thing . . .”
“To implant or establish deeply”
“To bring to light . . . ”
“To encourage by cheering”
“To anchor . . .”

Root as in foundation. Root as in attached to nourishment. Root as in established. Root as in cheering.

For Oneicity, 2015 was a year of growth and expansion. We (and our clients) had a great year of opportunity and growth. It was humbling and challenging. We were all pushed to the max. We outgrew our office space, our systems, our resources and our team. The speed and the occasional in-flight turbulence was a bit unnerving. Personally, I felt like I skidded into the Christmas holidays with my tongue hanging out just a step ahead of complete exhaustion. It was like that for all of our team. Plus the Digital Team carried the intensity into the break between Christmas and New Year’s to be sure our client’s Year-End digital impacts were on target.

In 2016, we’re going to Root. We’re going to go deeper. We’re going to solidify our base. We’re going to shore-up our systems. We’re going strengthen our team. And we’re going to cheer and encourage.

We’re doing all sorts of crazy stuff to Root.

We moved into new offices which are not only bigger — it’s more us. And we’re setting them up so you’ll enjoy them, too. Orange walls and cafe tables. Cool art and comfy places to work. Plus, sticking with this “root” idea, we’ve had the chance to improve our infrastructure. Much better technology. It’s becoming a great place. Wait for the paint to dry and then let us know you want to drop by. We’d love to hang out and hear what you’re doing to make 2016 an amazing year.

Root is our word for 2016. What’s your word? What are your dreams? What are you building in 2016? I’d love to know how you’re doing and what you’re up to.

Steve Thomas
Partner, Oneicity

(photo credit: wakajawaka)

Picture of Steve Thomas

Steve Thomas

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